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Saturday, December 18, 2010

♪♪♪♫Jingle Bells... Jingle Bells... ♪♫♪

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle alllll the waaaayyy....
Oh what fun it would be to save a child todaaaayyyy
Dashing through the Malls
To find the perfect thing
Won't give you the same JOY
As clicking on this link...
Kids who dive down deep
Untying nets and lines
All it takes is just a little
To save a lot of LIVES
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Jingle all the waaaayyyy....
Oh what JOY you would bring
If you'd give todaayyyy.... 

Okay, so maybe this is a little cheesy - but seriously - thousands of enslaved children die on Lake Volta every year from diving into it's deep crocodile-infested waters to untangle nets.

This January a team of my very dear friends are headed to Ghana, West Africa to rescue a group of boys from this life and bring them to The Father's House where they will receive a home, clothing, food, education, and most of all - the Father's Love.

Please consider donating to this amazing cause that has captured my heart this holiday season. Every little bit helps!! Check out this short video for more information!  

Father's House - Ghana from Matt Garrett on Vimeo.

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