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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meet the Boys!

You have GOT to go to THIS link and meet these precious boys!
Thank you so much to all of you that support Mission for Mawu - 25% of all the proceeds I get from the photography, I turn around and give straight to The Father's House*, so thank you for helping! 
And more importantly... thanks to YOUR prayers... 

These boys are FREE!

And they're some pretty good singers too!

If you want to read more about the boys check out the Ghana Rock Blog - 16 year old Madi Vincent went on the trip and is introducing one boy each day - there are three great stories on there already!

*The other 75% goes into our mission fund to help us get BACK to Africa!!  Please note that your support of Mission for Mawu is not tax deductible since you are receiving something in return.  

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